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Low-Carbon Fuel & Energy Solutions to Target Global Emission Reductions

As a company, we are dedicated to bringing sustainable, low-carbon energy solutions to the industries we serve. We are committed to supporting our customers in reducing their environmental footprint and achieving ESG-related goals, while at the same time reducing our own operational GHG emissions.

At 4Refuel, we offer agnostic fuel and alternative energy distribution solutions. We have taken all necessary steps to ensure that our products and service offerings are turn-key solutions for businesses looking to implement carbon emissions reduction strategies.

As a distribution partner, we offer access to a suite of drop-in-ready liquid biofuels and gaseous alternatives, allowing businesses to choose the best option for their specific needs.

ESG & Sustainable Development Goals

At 4Refuel, we aim to collaborate with innovative partners to improve the world. We strongly believe that a better world is one where people and the environment are protected, inequality is reduced, and prosperity is accessible to all.

Our commitment to supporting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a subsidiary of Finning International, is a testament to our dedication to the environmental, social, and governance standards that influence everything we do. Our North American operations and position in the energy supply chain give us a unique perspective on the challenges that industries face as they achieve their sustainability commitments.

Our Commitments

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

4Refuel is steadfast on diversity, equity, and inclusion within our workplace culture. We've invested in sustainable, inclusive, and diverse hiring practices resulting in high-performing teams in every facet of our business.

We equally take measures beyond the call to ensure psychological safety, knowing that protecting our employees and operators every day fosters healthy and invested partnerships with the companies we serve.

Risk Controlled Fuel Handling Operations

We continually strive to monitor and improve our environmental performance and make a positive impact on the planet and the industries we serve. 4Refuel is committed to safe, productive, and environmentally protected fuel management operations. Our Certified Refuelling Professionals (CRPs) are essential to our customer experience, and they are expertly trained to operate safely and within all applicable legal requirements in Canada & the US.

Environmental Health & Safety Accreditations

Environmental Protection & Safe Fuel Handling 

The best safety strategy when it comes to fuelling your assets, is to use a professional delivery service, direct-to-equipment. 4Refuel protects your employees from exposure to hazardous materials, eliminates spills, and reduces  your environmental liability.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Management System 

4Refuel adheres to the highest standard in hiring, training, and standard operating procedures as set forth in our integrated EHS Management System. We strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of EHS.

Environmentally Responsible- QSE Standards 

The QSE standards exceeds many legislated requirements making 4Refuel one of the few companies permitted to carry out high-risk and specialized fuelling.

Safety in the Energy Sector 

We are ISNetworld compliant and committed to Goal Zero, meaning no environmental spills and workplace-related. Safety and care for each other is engrained in our culture and extends to every employee, from management to our Certified Refuelling Specialists, many of which hold certifications in H2S, first aid, CSTS, TDG, WHMIS, and CPPI.

Reliable & Safe Fuelling Over Water

4Refuel has many years of experience in the marine sector and has developed an unmatched expertise in fuelling over and around waterways. We deliver fuel directly to vessels, barges, or loading equipment. Our Certified Refuelling Specialists are trained for all types of marine craft and can refuel on-site tanks and other marina/port equipment.

Strict Standards of Workplace Safety

4Refuel has created the QSE program to ensure consistent service Quality, Workplace Safety, and Environmental Protection standards. It is the fuel management industry's only ISO-based national safety program and was designed to protect employees, property, and the community.


Lifecycle GHG emissions refer to the emissions that occur during each stage of the fuel’s lifecycle, including but not limited to the production, transportation and end-use of the fuel. Any emissions values referenced are based on carbon intensity (gCO2e/MJ) figures provided by 4Refuel Suppliers for each low carbon fuel type and are subject to change. The GHG emissions reductions are calculated by comparing the Carbon Intensity of the lower carbon fuels blends sold to the baseline Carbon Intensity of conventional diesel of 93 gCO2 e/MJ (as published in Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations).