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Mobile On-Site Refuelling 
Beyond Traditional Fuels

4Refuel offers mobile on-site refuelling for a full suite of gaseous alternative fuel products including CNG, RNG, and Hydrogen. Our GaaS (Gas as a Service) solution is a best fit for companies taking measures to diversify their sustainable energy mix within their fleet vehicles or heavy-equipment assortment.  

Our  SWIFTTM portable dispensing system offers all the benefits of permanent R-CNG fast-fill stations, with the added flexibility of direct-to-equipment refuelling infrastructure that is easily deployed wherever it’s needed. 

As companies are transitioning to lower carbon energy sources to reduce their own GHG emissions and support international emissions agreements, 4Refuel has taken an energy-agnostic approach by offering GaaS (gas-as-a-service), delivering CNG, RNG and Hydrogen. The use of our low carbon fuels directly supports our customer's in achieving their Scope 1 emissions reduction targets.

  • Flexible 24/7 and emergency fuel delivery
  • Reduce costs, increase productivity
  • Avoid costly downtime
  • Reliable & flexible service
  • Powerful technology & reporting


Certified Refueling Professionals

Our Certified Refueling Professionals follow strict ISO-based fuel handling national safety standards to reduce risk and provide you with reliable, safe, and sustainable service.


Lifecycle GHG emissions refer to the emissions that occur during each stage of the fuel’s lifecycle, including but not limited to the production, transportation and end-use of the fuel. Any emissions values referenced are based on carbon intensity (gCO2e/MJ) figures provided by 4Refuel Suppliers for each low carbon fuel type and are subject to change. The GHG emissions reductions are calculated by comparing the Carbon Intensity of the lower carbon fuels blends sold to the baseline Carbon Intensity of conventional diesel of 93 gCO2 e/MJ (as published in Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations).