Update: 4Refuel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Contingency Plan
To our valued customers:
As we navigate through these challenging times together, 4Refuel continues to work diligently and proactively to ensure business continuity, reliable fuel supply and employee and customer safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
1- Supply:
- 4Refuel holds priority partnerships with multiple fuel suppliers, and has had deep relationships for the last 25 years, to ensure continuous fuel supply.
- 4Refuel and our fuel suppliers are in daily communication to support the evolving situation.
- 4Refuel holds a unique position as North America’s Largest On-site Fuel Provider with the ability to move fuel across international and provincial border to ensure supply availability.
2- People:
- Those employees engaged in front line operations are fully equipped to exercise proper health and safety through hygienic best practices and by following the guidance set by health authorities to spot signs and prevent the spread of viruses.
- A full travel ban is in effect for all business-related air travel within the organization.
- All meetings are conducted via teleconferencing
- Work from home measures implemented where possible.
- Regular sanitization of high-touch and high-traffic areas including inside 4Refuel vehicles before and after each shift.
- We have revised our pay policies to be in line with new government supports available to ensure employees have some certainty and peace of mind through this unsettling time.
- North American leadership team is engaged in daily conference call to support ongoing communication throughout the organization and evolving customer needs.
- Messages cascaded throughout various teams to ensure an informed organization.
3- Business Continuity:
- 4Refuel is considered an essential business and continues to operate in all locations.
- Working with regulatory bodies to ensure operational compliance.
- Operational contingencies are in place to ensure fuel is delivered to customer sites as required.
- We continue to work closely with our customer sites to ensure we comply with local and site-specific procedures.
- Priority work set has been established to concentrate on operational execution and account management.
4- Additional Safety Measures:
- 4Refuel’s services remain contactless. Employees do not come into contact with any interior component of customer vehicles or equipment.
- Employees will continue to wear gloves when handling fuel caps and practice proper social distancing when interacting with customers on site.
- Employees will not leave any paper docket on-site, until further notice.
- Conducting all customer calls by phone or teleconference, until further notice.
4Refuel understands that this is an evolving situation and is continuously evaluating and updating its contingency plans. We remain focused in our dedication to serving you as we navigate these unique challenges.
Our business is resilient, and our dedicated team is extremely focused. We are confident we are well positioned to help continue to provide value to businesses that rely on our services.
We are committed to providing updates as the situation changes and thank you for your patience and loyalty. We wish you, your family, loved ones and colleagues good health and safety.
Larry Rodo President & CEO 4Refuel