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Marine Fuelling Services

4Refuel has countless years of experience in the marine industry and we’ve developed unmatched expertise in boat fuel delivery on the water. We have the ability to service a wide range of marine applications and help maximize your productivity. Direct refuelling is a less costly alternative to refuelling at the marina, and provides the flexibility of delivering fuel on the water; a service that oil companies have been scaling back due to environmental risks. We make it easier for you to get the fuel you need for tug boats, fishing boats, tour and pleasure craft, and even cargo ships.

Our fuel consultants analyze the fuel needs and environmental challenges of your marine operation and work with you to create a custom fuelling solution efficient for virtually any size or type of vessel. Our service is available 24/7, day or night, so you can get the fuel you need when it makes sense for you. Reduce the downtime of vessels waiting to be refuelled during operating hours.

4Refuel provides boat and marine fuel delivery to all major marine ports in British ColumbiaOntarioQuebecNova Scotia, and New Brunswick.

  • Marine diesel and boat fuel delivery
  • Refuel virtually any size vessel
  • Boat fuel delivery on the water
  • Strict environmental & safety standards
  • Detailed online reporting

Environmental & Workplace Safety

Our Certified Refuelling Specialists are trained to ISO-based standards in workplace and environmental safety. With the support of our experienced operations staff and fleet of high-tech tankers, we deliver marine diesel directly to vessels, barges or loading equipment. Our specialists are trained for all types of marine craft, and can even refuel onsite tanks and other marina/port equipment.

4Refuel’s professional handling also reduces theft of fuel, misappropriation and spillage that can hinder productivity, hurt cost management, and cause environmental damage.

Manage Your Fuel Costs Online

4Refuel gives you access to comprehensive online reporting to track fuel transactions and consumption details for each vessel and piece of marine equipment. Marine technicians, operators, and dockhands can access real-time reports and analysis to manage fuel better and detect fuel loss.


Lifecycle GHG emissions refer to the emissions that occur during each stage of the fuel’s lifecycle, including but not limited to the production, transportation and end-use of the fuel. Any emissions values referenced are based on carbon intensity (gCO2e/MJ) figures provided by 4Refuel Suppliers for each low carbon fuel type and are subject to change. The GHG emissions reductions are calculated by comparing the Carbon Intensity of the lower carbon fuels blends sold to the baseline Carbon Intensity of conventional diesel of 93 gCO2 e/MJ (as published in Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations).