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  • Delivering Reliable & Sustainable Solutions

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    SUSTAINABLE fuels & decarbonization

    At 4Refuel, we are committed to helping our customers navigate the energy transition and partner with them to achieve their Environmental Social Governance (ESG), and Sustainability Goals.

    As companies seek lower carbon alternatives, 4Refuel delivers drop-in-ready fuel choices to support decarbonization efforts.

    We are an agile energy logistics company that supports businesses to save on fuel costs while advancing decarbonization strategies.


    Fuel Management Technology

    As a 4Refuel customer, you can access the energy industry's leading fuel management system, Fuel Management Online (FMO). FMO enables full visibility into fuel purchasing, consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions reporting.

    Comprehensive analytics allow companies to properly forecast their energy requirements and minimize overages within their fuel supply and handling processes.

    FMO enables unparalleled access to data about your energy economy performance metrics to keep every piece of equipment or fleet asset in your view.


    Lifecycle GHG emissions refer to the emissions that occur during each stage of the fuel’s lifecycle, including but not limited to the production, transportation and end-use of the fuel. Any emissions values referenced are based on carbon intensity (gCO2e/MJ) figures provided by 4Refuel Suppliers for each low carbon fuel type and are subject to change. The GHG emissions reductions are calculated by comparing the Carbon Intensity of the lower carbon fuels blends sold to the baseline Carbon Intensity of conventional diesel of 93 gCO2 e/MJ (as published in Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations).